Born: 01.11.1914 in Ober-Lais
KIA: 04.07.1942 near Michajewo (Soviet Union)
joined the 3th Company of Panzerregiment 1 as a conscript in November 1936,
transferred along with his company to Panzerregiment 11 in October 1937,
left active service in October 1938,
was reactivated in Panzerersatzabteilung 1 in August 1939,
transferred to the 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1 in November 1939,
transferred to leichte Kolonne I of Panzerregiment 1 on 12.09.1940,
transferred to Kradschützen-Bataillon 1 in September 1941,
KIA on 04.07.1942 in the Soviet Union (artillery shell), last rank: Obergefreiter
Black Wound Badge (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze, Eastern Front Medal (1942)