Born: 23.10.1914 in Schweikershain
Died: 11.07.1992 in Bielefeld
Heinz Schildbach served from October 1935 in the 8th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
served during the Polish and French Campaigns as Feldwebel and panzer commander with the 8th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
transferred in August 1940 to the 3rd Company of Panzerabteilung A and shortly thereafter, to the 3rd Company of Panzerregiment 18,
in 1942, he was serving with the 7th Company of Panzerregiment 18, his rank was mentioned with Panzerschütze, he must therefore have been downgraded,
in 1943, he was serving with the 3th Company of Panzerregiment 18,
he was captured by British forces in May 1945 in Italy, serving as an Obergefreiter with the 1st Company of schwere Panzerabteilung 504 (Tiger)
EKI (1941), EKII (1939), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver, Black Wound Badge