Born: 10.03.1912 in Nievern
joined Infanterieregiment "Gießen" in October 1934,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
transferred to Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935,
served during the Polish Campaign as Feldwebel with the staff of the I. Abteilung,
transferred to Heeresfeuerwerkerschule in February 1940 and pursued the career of an Ordnance officer, promoted to Leutnant (W) on 01.06.1942,
served in 1942 as Leutnant (W) at Heeresmunitionsanstalt Pinnow,
transferred to the 6. Panzerdivision in November 1942, serving as head of the ammunition administration,
transferred to the 179. Reserve-Panzerdivision in December 1943 and one year later, to Panzerarmee-Oberkommando 5,
transferred in February 1945 to Stellvertretendes Generalkommando IX. Armeekorps,
Heinrich Pfaff survived the war settled after 1945 in his hometown Nievern
EKII (1943), War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (1942)