Born: 17.06.1917 in Themar
KIA: 27.01.1945 near Vereb (Hungary)
nothing is known about his pre-war service, he most likely served as a conscript for two years with Panzerregiment 1,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier der Reserve,
was reactivated in Panzerersatzabteilung 1 after mobilization in 1939,
transferred in mid 1940 to the newly formed 6th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
served as a panzer commander during the Russian Campaign,
severely wounded on 13.09.1941 (anti-tank shrapnel), transferred to hospital,
returned to Panzerregiment 1,
KIA on 27.01.1945, serving as Feldwebel with 5th Company of Panzerregiment 1
EKII (1941), Black Wound Badge (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver