born: 04.09.1912 in Görlitz
Died: 1945/46
joined the Reichswehr in 1933/34,
served as an Obergefreiter with the 8th Company Panzerregiment 1 from October 1935,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
is listed as Hauptfeldwebel of the headquarter company I. Abteilung Panzerregiment 1 in August 1939,
was still in the same position at the beginning of the Russian Campaign 1941,
Adrian Nawrot is listed as killed/missing in action by the Volksbund, but without a date, so it can be assumed that he died at the end of the war or in captivity.
War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (1940), EKII (1941)