Born: 24.08.1912 in Dresden
Died: 07.02.1993 in Erfurt
joined 1st Company of 4. Kraftfahr-Abteilung as a volunteer in 1931,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
transferred to 8th Lehrtrupp of Kraftfahr-Lehr-Kommando II Ohrdruf in Summer 1934,
transferred along with his Lehrtrupp to the newly formed Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935.
served as Feldwebel with the 8th Company until 1938,
became Hauptfeldwebel of the 6th Company in November 1938,
transferred to 2nd Company of Panzerersatzabteilung 1 in the course of mobilization in August 1941,
returend to the 6th Company of Panzerregiment 1 during the Russian Campaign, serving as Hauptfeldwebel,
severly wounded on 14.10.1941 (artillery shrapnel), transferred to hospital,
became Hauptfeldwebel of the 7th Company of Panzerregiment 1 in March 1943 and remained in this position until the end of the war, last rank: Stabsfeldwebel,
settled after the war in Erfurt, East Germany
War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (1941), War Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords, Black Wound Badge