Born: 28.07.1913 in Tannroda
joined the army in 1934,
belonged in autumn of 1939 as an Unteroffizier to Panzerersatzabteilung 1,
transferred after the Polish Campaign to the 5th Company of Panzerregiment 1,
transferred in August 1940 to the 3rd Company of Panzerabteilung A and shortly thereafter, to the 3rd Company of Panzerregiment 18,
transferred in January 1941 to the staff of the I. Abteilung of Panzerregiment 18,
transferred in 1942 to the newly formed Panzerabteilung 160,
is listed as Stabsfeldwebel in April 1944
EKII (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1942), Black Wound Badge (1942), Eastern Front Medal (1942)