Born: 09.07.1916 in Struthütten
KIA: 02.08.1942 near Kalach
joined Panzerregiment 1 in 1936 or 1937,
is listed as Gefreiter in the 4th Company in early 1939,
transferred to Panzerabteilung Thoma / Imker Drohne on 28.02.1939 (Spanish Civil War),
served at the beginning of WWII as an Unteroffizier with the 4th Company,
transferred in August 1940 to the 1st Company of Panzerabteilung A and shortly thereafter, to the 1st Company of Panzerregiment 18,
transferred in 1942 to the newly formed Panzerabteilung 160,
KIA on 02.08.1942 (anti-tank hit) near Kalach serving as an Feldwebel in the 1st Company of Panzerabteilung 160
Spanish Cross with Swords (1939), EKI (1940), EKII, Black Wound Badge (1940), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1940)
His dog tag