born: 22.02.1914 in Kaltensundheim (Kaltennordheim)
died: 12.08.1987 in Holzwickede
joined the 3th Lehrtrupp of Kraftfahrlehrkommando II Ohrdruf as a volunteer on 01.11.1934,
transferred along with his Lehrtrupp to Panzerregiment 1 (4th Company) in October 1935,
pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,
served as a Feldwebel with the 4th Company during the Polish and French Campaigns,
transferred in August 1940 to the 1st Company of Panzerabteilung A which shortly thereafter became the 1st Company of Panzerregiment 18,
transferred to the 5th Company of Panzerregiment 18 on 27.11.1941,
his Abteilung became the newly formed Panzerabteilung 103 (3. Infanterie-Division (mot.) in April1942,
experienced the advance on Stalingrad in Summer 1942,
wounded in October 1942, which saved him from being captured in the pocket,
hospital stay and service with Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 10 until April 1943,
rejoined the newly formed Panzerabteilung 103 as an Oberfeldwebel on 14.04.1943 (Italien Campaign),
changed into an officers career, promoted to Leutnant on 01.12.1944,
is listed in supply company of Panzerabteilung 103 in February 1945,
US captivity from 15.04.1945 until 26.09.1945,
Ewald Heim survived WWII and settled after 1945 in West Germany
German Cross in Gold (26.11.1943), EKI (1942), EKII (1940), Panzer Assault Badge Grade III for 50 Engagements (1944) , Eastern Front Medal (1942), Silver Wound Badge