Born: 25.05.1914 in Bad Tennstedt
joined the 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1 in November 1935,
transferred in October 1936 to the newly formed 1st Company of Panzerregiment 7,
left the army after two years of service with the rank of Unteroffizier der Reserve,
was reactivated in the course of mobilization in August 1939,
served with Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 10,
transferred in February 1940 to the 1st Company of Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 in Erfurt,
transferred in October 1940 to the newly formed 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1,
experienced the Russian Campaign as Unteroffizier and Feldwebel der Reserve with the 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1,
was wounded and transferred to Panzer-Ersatzabteilung 1 in February 1942,
was judged as unfit for further frontline service and served as an NCO instructor at Ohrdruf,
left active service in July 1943, last rank: Oberfeldwebel
officially belonged to Ersatzreserve II (Weimar, 29.03.1944)
Hans Fischer most likely survived WWII
EKII (1941), Panzer Assault Badge in Silver (1941), Black Wound Badge (1941), Eastern Front Medal (1942),