Born: 1915 in Machtlos (Ronshausen)
KIA: 10.12.1944
joined 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1 as a recruit in November 1936,
left active service in October 1938,
was reactivated in the course of mobilization and joined the in 2nd Company of Panzerregiment 1 after the Polish Campaign,
left Panzerregiment 1 after 1940,
was slightly wounded as Feldwebel in 3rd Company schwere Panzerabteilung 503 (Tiger) in August 1944,
KIA as a Feldwebel in schwere Panzerabteilung 503 (Tiger) in 1944
EKII, Panzer Assault Badge Grade II for 25 Engagements, Black Wound Badge