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Bellmann, Fritz Paul

Born: 04.08.1913 in Burkersdorf

  • joined the 4. Kraftfahr-Abteilung in October 1933,

  • transferred to Kraftfahrlehrkommando II Ohrdruf in July 1934 and pursued the career of an Unteroffizier,

  • transferred to the 7th Company of Panzerregiment 1 in October 1935,

  • transferred to the staff of the II. Abteilung in October 1937,

  • served as a Feldwebel with the staff of the II. Abteilung in the Polish Campaign,

  • transferred to Heeresfeuerwerkerschule I in February 1940, pursued the career of an "Feuerwerker",

  • homeland service in different ammunition institutions from 1940 until 1943,

  • transferred to the staff of the 10. Luftwaffen-Felddivision,

  • changed into an officer career, promotion to Leutnant (W) on 01.05.1944,

  • served at the end of the war with the 549. Volksgrenadier-Division,

  • Fritz Paul Bellmann survived WWII and settled after 1945 in Wersen-Büren in West Germany


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